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Merry Christmas 2013 from Yaoi-World

Merry Christmas Boys and Girls! I hope you will have a lot of good time! A lot of good food! And a lot of fun! (because that's all what matters ye, food, fun :iconcoolplz:)

The picture is my part of the collab with *ShiningEden, which final version is going to be a gift for sweet sweet =kiahh The idea was that we're making photo-like pictures of our RP characters and put them all in one big picture. It is so...cheesyLOL I KNOW BUT CHRISTMAS IS A CHEESY TIME YEAH it supposed to be so positive and happy that it makes you wanna throw up a little :iconlulfaceplz: (guess who doesn't like Christmas all that much :iconhahaveryfunnyplz:)

So we have here my and =kiahh's OCs, Rago and Blizz (red hair and blue), Clover and Cross (and FattyLOL, green hair and brown) and Vince and Margo (brown and white) all covered in cheap brokeh effects LMAO the pictures are actually pretty sketchy and messy, don't look at them for too long plz. But yeah they are having pretty nice and happy Christmas together, even if their relationships are different and some of them are pretty much fucked up AT THE END THEY ARE ALL HAPPY AND SPEND THE TIME WITH PEOPLE THEY LOVE AND TREASURE GHTHGH :iconsoemotionalplz:


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